
NESLabs at AHR Expo

Rohit Bhagwat represented NESLabs at this year’s AHR Expo in Atlanta, GA and presented our work on ionic liquid based dehumidification system after several years of missed conferences due to COVID. Rohit showcased his team’s work on experimentally testing a… Read More

CHF work is featured on MAE news!

Our work on critical heat flux during pool boiling is featured on the MAE news! Here, we showed that with the correct hydrodynamic conditions, the maximum heat flux during boiling is in fact 4 times the hydrodynamic limit.

Congratulations to Adam for his publication!

Check out our latest paper on characterization of annular flow in microchannel flow boiling! Through high-res temperature mapping on the order of 0.1 ms, we show that intermittent dryout occurs due to thin film evaporation.